Twice a week ...every week...Colombo hosts one of the oldest rituals of Sri Lanka’s tea trade. The Auctions! A gathering dominated by men, each one with eyes, ears and almost their entire beings focused keenly on the rostrum at the center of a crowded auditorium. Sitting in that room is the pick of the country’s traders and tasters, waiting for that exact “moment in tea” where just a lift of a finger, the nod of a head or just simply a slight lift of a pen signals a “bid” to the broker.
It’s a process that runs the old fashioned way, where traders sit with pens in hand and mark the lots and prices on little colored pieces of paper which list what’s on the table.
It’s a gentlemen’s business where trust and integrity stand above even getting the cheapest price for your lot of tea. Because as the team at Asia Teas well knows “Tea will always get the price it deserves."
There are moments where 10 people are interested in a single lot of tea - And once the bid is called its instantaneous
A slow day means about 5 to 6 lots move a minute but a heavy day could see 7 to 8 lots a minute go under the gavel.
Another week, another auction ...but no ordinary lot...
“The Gavel Sounded! This was It - This was the lot he wanted.
The bidding started with buyers shouting over each other
The lot was Dimbulla FBOP which he had to have to perfect the blend. Just had to have it. Without it the Blend would be Ok but with it, it would be perfect, just Perfect!
The other guys were shying away from the lot as the bidding intensified. The Price soared like an eagle enjoying a thermal. Only two bidders remained ...Him and another guy who seemed like he too wanted it like his life depended on it.
He shouted his bid and pictured to himself the frown on the Accountant’s visage. But he just had to have it for his blend. The accountant won’t know a perfect blend if it was not on the profit and loss. The older guys know what it is. How your heart thumps just at the thought of losing it. Another bid! There goes my average he thought and bid higher.
To which there was no response ..The lot was his and his blend would be perfect
Bliss! Til the other Lot is on the Block.”